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Blueprints for Amplifying Occupational Wellness

O ccupational wellness is akin to navigating a labyrinth, demanding proactive strategies to maintain a harmony between professional aspirations and holistic health. Given the ever-evolving nature of work and its inherent challenges, having a blueprint to navigate the professional maze becomes indispensable. Here are some strategies endorsed by esteemed sources: Harnessing AI and Machine Learning In…

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Charting the Course: Clinical, Holistic, or a Fusion?

T he clinical route to occupational wellness is anchored in evidence-based strategies, interventions, and treatments grounded in rigorous scientific exploration. This path might encompass cognitive-behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, and other therapeutic interventions addressing work-induced challenges. These clinical interventions are typically dispensed by credentialed experts and are often customized to the traveler's unique needs. "Clinical interventions are…

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8 Dimensions of Wellness Foundation is an Arizona nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 93-2081755

© 2024. 8 Dimensions of Wellness Website by MoonQuake

What is a Change Coach?

Our coaches stand apart from others in the field because they are certified through a rigorous coaching program established by Dr. Amy Johnson. This specialized training ensures they bring a depth of expertise and understanding that enhances their ability to guide clients toward profound personal growth and transformation, covering the 8 dimensions of holistic development. They excel in helping people evolve and get unstuck by skillfully identifying and addressing the core of the issue.


Connecting, Inspiring, and Empowering Wellness


We envision a future where boundaries in wellness education dissolve by inspiring the collective to thrive, not just survive in life. We will empower people by providing a support system of coaches and ambassadors of wellness. Our goal is to inspire and create 25,000 self advocates by 2025.